Monday, January 13, 2014

Not Winter

I had a wonderful Christmas. My Dad came out-- he even stayed at my apt a few nights! I think he had a great make-shift bed. (I would have given him my bed had I realized he was staying more than one night...) I have a camping cot--and a camping air mattress--and a sheepskin massage table cover that is very think and nice-- and then flannel sheets. It was quite soft and warm. He said it was good :-) I have decided Christmas is for kids anymore... as an adult you know what you are getting and getting up at 1:00 AM to see if Santa has come is not necessary... I stayed at my sisters house Christmas Eve night-- the kids were up by 5:30 AM... and the madness began. It was fun to watch them open presents. We had a yummy breakfast and then I went back to the couch for a nap! Didn't get to do any hiking this trip with Dad... maybe in a few weeks when he comes out.

New Years Eve-- I was in bed and asleep by 10:30. I had to work New Years Day. That is the crazy thing about a spa--- it NEVER closes. So-- no excitement there!! But happy to be in the year 2014.

I had a spa day today :-) I got to my spa and exercised for a bit...then I went to the hot tub... followed by the steam room... then a quick shower before my 80 min. massage.... and then an 80 min. facial! I only paid $5!!! The rest is in trade-- so yes, I owe 2 80 min. massages, but who cares! I had the BEST day! The facial was really cool because I got an oxygen treatment.... she put a serum on my face and then oxygen was "blasted" (not too strong) to push the serum deep into my skin! It was so cool!!! And this is the treatment all the women in Hollywood get (Madonna made it famous). Guess I should go be in a movie now.

I am excited for the Gilbert Temple open house. I get to be a volunteer on the 21st. On the 25th we have a group tour--about 20 co-workers and family are going! I am so excited! Another girl and I are active and we work with several people that are inactive, have family members that are members... or they all live really close to the temple so they have questions! It is quite exciting.. and then I will get to go with my Dad and sister's family Feb. 7. Good times.It is  so beautiful.

So-- there is a quick update! Happy January!