Sunday, March 25, 2012


I got to see The Hunger Games this weekend. It really was well done. I hope that after all Stephanie Meyer went through with her books into movies that others have learned. I wasn't disappointed with this movie. I even liked the previews! The preview for Breaking Dawn 2 was ok. I could just hear my brothers voice in my head mocking it! ah well, I'll see it.
I am trying to find another book to read. I have read some about the Titanic. There is a National Geographic I want to get-- April for the 100 year anniversary of the sinking. Looks like there are some neat pictures in it.
I am looking forward to General Conference this weekend. It is always so good, and goes by so fast.
I have started playing Words with Friends and Draw Something. It is fun. I am a much better artist in my head... and I really struggle with just my phone as my screen. Ah well. It is fun.
A friend at work has a lemon tree. I have been making homemade lemonade. Seriously GOOD. Best Bites Cookbook -- such great recipes!
I am missing the blue bonnets of Texas. I am going to TX in May, but I know they will be gone. I am excited to get to go though! It will be good to see my Dad. And he will be retired. Somehow, I figure we will work on the house/pool. Then I get to go to Denver for a friend's wedding! Yeah!!


d said...

Oh there was mocking. And I had to sit through not one, but two, TWO Stephanie Meyer trailers. This woman is a scourge! "Oh Bella, you're so Bella" GAAAAHHH! The stupid! It burns! "Hey babe, we're totally the same temperature now" "Tee hee. Oh Edward..." @_@ I'm pretty sure her writing is funded by the contacts industry. Red eyes, sparkly eyes. Whatever...

Aaron and Amanda said...

I'm soooo excited that you're coming to Denver! Can't wait to see you sooon. :)