Whew-- what a weekend. I loved my nap today-- and I don't think I will have any problems sleeping tonight!
Friday-Darlene flew in (first class lucky girl) and we decided to try and find some shops. Drove forever and found the Container Store-such a great place! Then I decided to drive home because I wanted time to get ready for the show. Last minute Rachel got a sitter so all of us could go and a ticket wasn't wasted! The theater was really nice. Our seats were pretty good. I had thought we would be closer, but no. Still good seats though. So you Think You Can Dance--I LOVED it. I got to see most of my favorite dances. There was one I hoped to see, but I am guessing Katie was injured as she wasn't in any of the group dances, didn't do her solo...etc. So that was sad. Her main partner had been the winner of the show so I felt like he wasn't out there as much, but still got to see him with the others. It really was great entertainment. Could have done with less talk, more dance-- but still good.
Sat. Darlene and I went to the TEXAS STATE FAIR. We got there just about the time that the UT vs OU game was starting so parking was a nightmare. I decided to park at some guys house. I knew I had parked someone in, but I thought I would be the last one in--so I went ahead and parked there. Got to the fair walked all around, ate corn on a stick, corn dog, and Blue Bell Ice Cream. Gotta love fair food. Saw some cute animals. Couldn't find the places with the quilts, photography etc. Since everyone was in the game it was easy getting around. At half time it got a little congested. Decided to leave while the game was still going--got back and guess what? I WAS PARKED IN! The place I parked at was also a towing place so I had them tow a car so that I could get out! CRAZY!
Michale Buble`-- what a GREAT entertainer! I LOVED this show. He has an amazing voice and stage presence. I will have to get his CD. It was just a lot of fun.
I think good times were had by all.