Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kaijsa Moment

So it was really rainy today. Needless to say there was no point in doing my hair as I had several errands to run today. When Kaijsa got to work I was telling her about my day and how there was no point to doing my hair. She asked why and I told her I had to go to the dentist and then to the post office. Her response was "It doesn't rain inside." I just looked at her and she gave me that "WHAT?" face... I said, Kaijsa-- I had to go outside to get in my car and then to go into the buildings.... "OH!!!" she said.
Gotta love my Kaijsa moments.


Rachel said...

That is fantastic! Love Kaijsa moments! Keep them coming Kaij! We love you!

d said...

Hmm, I thought I left my comment yesterday. I must not have hit publish... I blame coworkers. At any rate, favorite niece still manages to maintain her place in our hearts. And I will do my best to get her a button for Christmas that says, "Air, it's everywhere"