Friday, December 11, 2009

Class happenings

I was telling Dad some stories of massage class and he asked me what I have gotten myself into... yes, it is a unique experience. Drew you will have to call me to find out the BEST story of the week. It is best that I not publish this one.

I have learned to stay clear of anyone at school. It is good I know how to be quiet and stay out of someone else's business. This was the week of fights.

Monday I learned that in the Medical Assistant school there were 2 girls who got into it... So, girl 1 decides to leave class and hang out in her car for girl 2 to walk out so girl 1 can jump her. Girl 2 leaves the building "some other way" and heads to the nearby gas station. Girl 1 asks a classmate where girl 2 is and drives over to gas station. Girl 2 sees girl 1 coming so she heads to the bathroom. Now this is where I am unclear... either girl in bathroom hangs out for awhile figures coast is clear and leaves or the bathroom is more than one person and girl 1 goes on in. Needless to say girl 2 got busted up pretty bad.

Tuesday: 18 year old girl (who is rarely in class) starts to get into it with the loud mouth guy of our class. She and he exchange heated words (why is it blacks can use the "n" word and it is ok, but it is so much more awful when a white person uses it?! No one should use it)... girl gets angry-- slams the door (Sis-- almost as good as you used to) Then she comes back in and decides to leave for the day... all the while loud mouth guy is still blabbing.

Wednesday: School starts at 7 AM.... at 6:55 I hear screaming in the hall.. I think no way-- it is TOO EARLY for a fight... nope, 2 girls are going at it in the hall... now were they on the same bus to have been having a conversation? How on earth can someone get so angry so early in the morning. Don't know how bad the fight was. At first break I went to the bathroom and there was a security guard standing outside of it.... yeah that makes me feel better!

Thursday: Yet again loud mouth guy and another loud girl in my class go at it. (words.. not fists-- that has just been between girls). This fight was done in front of the executive director of the school! Teacher was REAL happy about this.
It is so messed up! CRAZYINESS I say!

We did have an open talk one day where those in the class could tell about a hard time in their life so we could get a better understanding of each other... .needless to say this white girl kept her mouth shut.

Other than that I have been flashed a few times. Expected I guess, but on the first massage day? Sheesh. We don't go commando just yet. But we did do full body massages and have to work the glutes. I had a girl tease me for my grandma underwear. Sorry-- how long has it been since I wore "cute" underwear? The teacher said if girls were on "that time of the month" then they should wear a g-string. WHAT? Like that helps!!! hmmnnn... guess I need some sexy panties for school.


The AngelArk said...

Oh my gosh, what did you get yourself into? I guess you don't need me or anyone else to tell you not to get on someone's bad side. :) How long is the program? Hope you are doing something fun for CHristmas. Love ya.

Rachel said...

no one can slam the door like i used to except maybe my own kids. lol. love the stories. good luck w/ school.