It is funny... I like to check everyone else's blog and love it when they are updated and if they aren't I am like hurry up already... and it has been forever since I have updated mine. O-well.
Massage Envy is good. I like the people I work with. The clients are usually fun too. I like it when someone comes in with an issue so I have something to work on... The other day a tennis pro. came in. He is a coach now, but his whole right arm, shoulder, and neck were a mess. I felt bad because I didn't quite know enough to be super helpful, but I did what I could. I have taken a pre-natal class and just need to do practicals for it now. I think I will take deep tissue next. There is just so much to learn, I love it!
Because I work nights I have been doing a lot of yard work (and house work). I am really wanting to do some landscaping, before it gets too cold... so I guess I have until Dec. We'll see if Dad lets me.
I decided to sign up for we'll see how it goes. I am not expecting anything, but I hope it is a way for me to maybe meet some people. I am also trying to get to the singles activities...who knows. I just need to do something I figure. No meeting people with what I have been doing (which has been nothing.)
I was at a stop-light the other day... I decided it was time to go without looking in front of me... The black Mercedes had not moved yet! It was a light hit. I think my car has a little scratch on it, but that is all... the other car has some while paint added to it. The worst is that this couple had just gotten it, there were temporary plates on it! So, I figure they will get a new bumper. Sure hope my insurance doesn't go up!
I enjoyed Mockingjay. I am in book 7 of Harry Potter so I think I might re-read the Hunger Games series.... I really need to find a new series!
My goal is to be debt free. I know it will take me forever, but that is my goal. I am trying to adjust to what my new income is, and save and pay more for my car. I think I can... I think I can.. maybe by putting this in writing it will actually keep me motivated.
Looking forward to my birthday weekend in AZ. Sad my brother is missing out on the Sealing of my sister's family... Glad Darlene will make it!
Well, that is me for now!
Go read Skulduggery Pleasant
Or maybe the Last Apprentice series...
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