Wednesday, April 20, 2011


A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

I have the BEST dad EVER!!! He is a good man. He is funny and I have loved all my years living with him. He is so easy going. There is nothing he wouldn't do for his kids. He was a great husband too. My Mom was blessed to have this man at her side.


d said...

Yeah Dad's pretty great. Although I'm pretty sure you cut me out of that picture. Wasn't that some horrendous hike you (or my lovely wife) dragged us out on? [Note: I doubt I was cut out of that picture, but feel like protesting on principles of I'm the best brother ever-ness]

Rachel said...

lol drew. dad is great.

J~ said...

I'm pretty sure Drew that you took this picture!!! and yes, we hiked Mt. Timp. Ah-- you do win the best brother award! You just wait, a post about you will come before too long!