Sunday, January 29, 2012

And So it Goes

I wanted to get rid of the Christmas picture of the temple, and then I had to change my background...and then I decided I couldn't do that without posting something!
I can start a countdown--I am going to UT March 1-6. I am excited about that. Becky had a baby, Caleb, and so the blessing will be on that Sun. Darlene's stake is having a Women's Conference with someone exciting (Sis Beck or Sis Dew she wasn't sure--I am good with either and look forward to the message.) And who knows what else will happen while I am up there! I hope the weather stays good for the drive as I will be driving. I will stop in Blanding on the way there.
Work continues to be busy. AZ is starting to get a little too warm for me. I have decided I REALLY like seasons. Good weather all the time gets boring!
I have been using the public library a lot lately. I like to go on-line and request books, that way I don't have to hunt for them. I just finished Peeps by Scott Westerfeld. It was good. Too much info. on parasites if you ask me, but that's ok. I am waiting on a few books suggested by my brother. (The Woman in Black and some other book I can't remember the for paranormals or something.)
Other than that...I am working on something that I will announce when I get more details :-)

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