Sunday, February 26, 2012


I love this musical!I was so excited I didn't even pay attention to the time it started, I just wanted to BE there.. (so we arrived 90 min. early and that was after going to dinner) Needless to say we got the first parking spot...
I have been lucky enough to have seen this once before. I remembered parts of it, but this time it was just GREAT! I loved how this Guh-Linda took on her role and made "popular" SO funny. And then when Elphaba and Guh-Linda sang "Defy Gravity..." AMAZING. I think the second act needs a few more songs to compete with those. I wish it wasn't so darn expensive and I would go again. I really enjoy live theater. Maybe I should go to NY and see a few more shows. (How to Succeed in Business...Jersey Boys...Beauty and the Beast... you get the idea)
I head to Utah this week! Hooray! I of course have most days already planned. (Friday a massage followed by a hair cut and then a trip to Park City...Saturday BYU Men's Volleyball...lots of eating at favorite places: Cafe Rio, Zuppas...) I am excited. It is always good to see family and friends.
Some of you know that I have officially applied to serve a mission. I was told last week (or has it been 2 weeks?) that I have to have the First Presidency decide if I can go (Because I have been married and now divorced). I feel a little nervous about that. Three men that I love and respect will see my name and situation and decide if I can go... it is a process that will take 2 months (a church of 14 million and little old me can wait that long.) Once they decide then... I have everything else filled out so I would think the process of knowing where I'm going and when should not take so long. If they decide no... then I have choices to make. We'll go with they say yes. Surely there are people in the world that have faced challenges like me and could benefit from my testimony. That is the way I look at it. But, we'll see.
Work continues to go well. So busy. I finally bought a foam roller. It is nice. It has really helped me stretch out my arms.

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