Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kenny Part 2

Alas-- Kenny did reschedule... and it was for today. It is NOT raining, it is a beautiful day... but it is Sunday. I had already decided I wouldn't go today... and then I found out I could get my $$ back for the cancelled concert! How cool is that!!! So, I await my refund. ($$ will go to tuition)..
I have my Anatomy and Physiology book!!! I think I will start reading it this week. I will take it with me to Missouri... and I will start making vocabulary flash cards. We'll see how much I get done between now and May 28 when class starts. I just really want to do well...and think I can do better at studying now than last time I was in school.
I have been going to Coppell again. I am training new people on how to do what I do. It is a lot of fun. I am also training a lady at my center--I really like training people, hopefully this will make it easier when I need to be to school full-time.
It is pool time here. I have been getting the water checked....and I bought recliners for the pool area. (Thanks to Kaijsa I got 4)-- so we can all hang out at the pool. I am looking forward to summer....maybe not the heat, but that's okay.
Dad spent the week in Utah. I had the house to myself. Sounds so exciting, but not really. It is good to have him back.


d said...

We did have a great time with your dad, thanks for sharing him!
love h

Rachel said...

I thought some of the $$ was going to go towards b-day presents :). Glad dad is home too. The pool felt great the other day. Wish I was going to school with you.

Alex said...

Hi! My mom is visiting and we're looking at your blog! Hope you're loving school!