Wednesday, November 28, 2012


November really has been a blur. I got back from Utah and started full time at the spa. I got the stomach virus and missed my RS meeting that I helped to plan :-(

I MOVED!!!!! I am now living in Chandler, AZ. 10 min from the spa. I LOVE it! It is a 1 bedroom apt. I thought I would run out of space, but thankfully things are fitting. I don't have a pantry so I need to put together a "closet" that I got at Home Depot. It will be my pantry. Maybe my new home teachers can help me. My Sis and I tried to do it, but we messed up on "squaring" it so the doors aren't right. 
The move was a little emotional as well. I opened boxes that I haven't looked in since I moved from Kansas when I was getting divorced. I also ran across things from my Mother. I put out Christmas decorations and found a bunch of old Christmas letters. She was so good at that. She just loved us so much-we were her world. It just feels good to be on my own-- have my own space. I look forward to having time for "single" activities. 

My new ward seems nice. A really good mix of young and old. I'm not the only single member!!! YAY!!!

So, now you are caught up on my life. It's been busy. I'm sure December will fly by as well!

Oh-- happy 40th birthday to my big brother!

Utah Trip

My nephew Graeme turned 8! I got to go to Utah for his baptism!

3 Generations of Eoff men!

Doesn't Graeme look handsome in his suit?! He was a trooper with all the pics!

Eoff family

All of us. It was a special day.

Me and the birthday boy! 

Darlene is part of the family. 

Had time to go up Provo Canyon and play with my camera. Such beautiful weather!

It was such a good trip. I got to eat at my favorite places with my favorite people.  Best of all I got some good sleep!
I hope this post lets Graeme know I love him and will be better at taking pics of the Eoff bunch when I am in town. Perhaps in Jan I can take some family pics/ individual pics of them? YES??!!

Texas Trip

I am FINALLY getting to update my blog! I will do it in a few posts-- so here is the first one. 
Mid-October I got to go see my Daddy in Texas. It was a FAST weekend, but full of fun. I got in on Wed- we met up with my friend, Kathleen. We went to a yummy seafood cafe. I had fish tacos-- I love fish tacos. Maybe I can convince my brother to make me some when I go see him in January? Yes. please? Anyway it was a fun lunch. Then it was back to the house because Dad was making dinner for a group of friends to come over. More good food.  More fun. Between Tom Nelson's stories and Dennis Neitzel's stories it was a fun evening. Such fun stories of when they were in the Navy and Air Force. Amazing times they had. Sadly I don't remember Thursday.... Friday Dad and I went to the Dallas Arboretum. They were having the pumpkin patch and a Chihuly exibit-- here are some of my favorite: 

I had never seen so many pumpkins. I should have taken more pics. They made children's books come alive with the pumpkins-- like Cinderella's carriage etc. SO COOL!!

The pictures don't do these justice. AMAZING! They had a hail storm before I got there-- only 2 parts of a set were damaged. Some were made specifically for Dallas. I think I should start collecting his art. I really loved it. 

I got to do a card exchange and dinner with friends. It was great. 

Saturday I got to meet up with my friend, Heather. It was so good to see her too. Ah, I miss my Texas friends.

Mostly I went through boxes to get ready for my big move. It was a little emotional going through boxes. My Mom kept SO MUCH....she would be mad at me for throwing so much away, but what am I going to do with it? Most of it was school things-- papers, newspapers, awards. I probably should have scanned some things in and saved it that way...but no. I tossed it. I did keep my old stuffed animals. Heather convinced me to keep them. I did have a 3rd grade paper that asked about me. One question was what makes you mad-- I answered my brother!!! Lol.. wonder what he did to make me mad. Another question was what is the biggest problem-- I said pollution. My teacher thought that was funny. On any of my grade cards--standardized testing my lowest area was spelling. HA! I am a terrible speller still! Thank goodness for auto-correct!

Then Dad and I drove to AZ. Rachel was moving houses so we got to help her I HATE MOVING!!