Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Utah Trip

My nephew Graeme turned 8! I got to go to Utah for his baptism!

3 Generations of Eoff men!

Doesn't Graeme look handsome in his suit?! He was a trooper with all the pics!

Eoff family

All of us. It was a special day.

Me and the birthday boy! 

Darlene is part of the family. 

Had time to go up Provo Canyon and play with my camera. Such beautiful weather!

It was such a good trip. I got to eat at my favorite places with my favorite people.  Best of all I got some good sleep!
I hope this post lets Graeme know I love him and will be better at taking pics of the Eoff bunch when I am in town. Perhaps in Jan I can take some family pics/ individual pics of them? YES??!!

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