Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Apartment Living

I am getting all settled. And I am starting to use my new things (pots and pans...kitchenaid mixer...) It is fun. I will take a pic eventually-- but I still have some things to get before I do-- so just wait. Sunday I woke up and went to take out my nightguard. I didn't have my glasses on and I hadn't turned any lights on..... I grabbed my case and FELT SOMETHING-- a GIANT cockroach!!! I screamed-- then got a shoe and killed it. Monday I called the office. They have a standing appt with a bug company so my apt. will be sprayed Thursday. That was the first and only bug I have seen--so far. At least it wasn't a scorpion. I may have to move if I see one of those! I just hate bugs. I like my ward so far. The RS pres. will come visit me tonight. I hope my records get transferred soon. I feel a little homeless as I need to do tithing settlement! I have been good about going to singles activities. I really like institute. The other activities are fine too-- seems like I never see the same people twice though. Guess that's good since I don't know that I would really want to go out with too many of the guys I have met ;-)
I really liked Skyfall. He does a good James Bond-- 
This CD has been on in my car for the last 2 weeks. No, I didn't watch him on American Idol, but I REALLY like his music.

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