Sunday, January 13, 2013

A week of reading

I go through phases... watch books. This past week I spent reading books. I think I read 4. 
Book 1-- of a trilogy. Loved it so I continued on:

Book 2. Loved this one too...although I will have to wait until the Fall to read the last  book in the series... I have a lot of questions that will have to be answered. I hope she doesn't do a rush job--(Like in Mocking Jay...)

A lovely historical fiction about the Scofield Mine explosion. Well it really doesn't talk much about the explosion more of a-- what times were like and what a mining camp is like. I liked it

I also read a book from the library, that I can't remember now. ah well. I did stay up until almost 1 last night finishing that last book. Shame on me. I got a nap today :-)

Monday I went to FHE and Thurs I went to Institute. Both were fine. Well FHE was pretty lame. I wish more people (guys) would come. Good thing I can go to institute for myself and learn otherwise it would be a bust too. I would just like to have a few friends to go out with.... Keep trying keep trying.

I met with the First Counselor of the Mesa Temple. I was hoping to be a temple worker...but with the Gilbert Temple opening at the end of the year everyone has the same idea. There are no openings for a female temple worker. I guess that is a nice problem to have. I will just have to go and be a patron more often. 

Next week stay tuned: I will have gone to UT for a friends wedding... and I find out if the spa is a 5 star spa. My guess is yes as Forbes is coming on Wed to do a photo shoot of the spa! (Perhaps I will have to jump into photos as they just want the facilities. How lame is that?!) Anyhow....we find out Tues and I am super excited. 

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